Steart Marshes Car Parks Closed wef 9.4.20

Good afternoon all,

To update you on how we are managing the current situation at Steart Marshes:

As of today we will be locking both of our car parks until further notice. The reason it has taken a little time to come to this decision is over concern of elderly local people who were using the car parks and not wanting to encourage people to park on the verges and cause issues with the roads.

During the day, on the whole the car parks have remained very quiet and the police have been patrolling daily and putting leaflets on peoples windscreens. However it has come to light that during the weekends and later in the evenings there have been more cars in the car park.

We have updated our website and social media to inform people of this change and is worded as follows:

Coronavirus: Please do not travel to Steart Marshes. The car parks are closed. It is not safe to park on the verges. The toilets and hides are also closed. LINK TO LATEST LOCAL STATEMENT. Thank you for your support and stay safe
If you live close enough to walk to the marshes, the paths remain open. However, please keep a safe distance from others while you’re on site.

If this does cause issues locally please let me know and we will have to review our position and take the most appropriate action.

Take care and as always please don’t hesitate to contact me

Alys Laver
Site Manager

WWT Steart Marshes
Reserve Office, Stert Drove, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA5 2PU

T 01278 651090
M 07717 505966