Gardeners’ Question Time comes to Combwich

The very first BBC Gardeners´ Question Time took a panel of expert gardeners along to answer questions from members of the Smallshaw Allotments Association and was broadcast on 9th April 1947. It wasn’t actually called “Gardeners´ Question Time” at tGQThe time but “How Does your Garden Grow?”

Over it’s 60 year history, it has answered well over 30,000 questions and the panel members have been guests of a diversity of gardening and other groups, including Leyhill Open Prison, the Palace of Westminster and a nudist club in Wales, according to the BBC website!  (Picture courtesy of BBC website)

For the first 47 years the team were shown the questions in advance, but that tradition was dropped in 1994. Nowadays being a panel member is not for the faint-hearted but for those with a depth of gardening knowledge and an incisive grasp of a question.

And so Otterhampton Village Hall committee give you your very own Gardener’s Question Time in association with Cannington Walled Gardens.  The following panel will attempt to answer all your gardening questions relating to the preparation and growing of your spring garden:

  • Andre Gardner, Grounds Manager
  • Matt Handy, Senior Gardener
  • Jayne Alcock, Grounds & Gardens Supervisor

On this same night, we will also be launching three competitions for all ages to get DSC_0227involved with:

  Tallest sunflower
  Largest pumpkin
  Best decorated pumpkin (Halloween night)

In fact, to try and encourage the whole village to get growing, we’ve even split the three competitions into three age categories:  under 10 years old, 11-18 year olds and adults and the panel will be giving hints and tips about how best to grow these seedlings.  (There will be prizes!)

So, we hope you’ll be able to join us for what should be a fun, relaxed but informative evening. Here are the details:

Date:  Saturday 5th April 2014
Starts:  7.30pm (bar open from 7pm)
Ends:  9.30pm (ish)
Entrance:  £2.50 (includes nibbles)