
Combwich Coffee Club

An opportunity to relax and chat with friends, neighbours, new faces and people from surrounding villages.

The Coffee club also…

  • Fund raises for local charities
  • Encourages and supports young people who are fund raising for their chosen charities
  • Organises trips to historic houses and gardens
  • Villagers can introduce new business ventures at the coffee mornings

Every Friday from 10 to 12 noon in the Village Hall.  Open to all ages, and there is a warm welcome to people new to the area.

£1 for a coffee and biscuits (includes “top ups”).  Sometimes  croissants and teacakes are served and cream teas in the summer.

Contact Helen Jowett on 01278 652322.

Combwich & District WI

The Combwich & District WI prides themselves on being a supportive, relaxed and friendly, mixed-age group.   They meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month at Stockland Village Hall from 7:30 to 9pm.

They welcome new ideas and personalities to their group, so please come and join them.  Lifts can be arranged.  For more information please email Wendy Durant


Welcome to the website for Combwich, Otterhampton and Steart