Community Plan

What is it?

The Community Plan represents a vision for our community and is a response to developments which threatened to overwhelm us, including EDF’s proposal for development at Combwich Wharf to facilitate the nuclear new build at Hinkley Point C, and two new wetland habitat schemes proposed by the Environment agency and the Port of Bristol Company, together involving more than half the total landmass of the Parish.

The Plan was initiated by the Parish Council and developed by a Steering Group representing the main organisations and interested individuals in the parish.  It is the result of extensive consultations, surveys, meetings and a drop-in day which provided opportunities for everyone to express their views.

Have a look at our COMMUNITY PLAN as at 1.5.19 (1)

The Steering Group have established a number of working groups to develop the most popular ideas expressed at the drop-in session.  Find out more below…

Village Market Group

Following the suggestions for a village market made during the production of the Community Plan, Combwich Village Market was established, and is now a successful, regular event.  Find out more on their page.

Cycle Paths Sub-Committee

Under the umbrella of the Community Plan Steering Group, our ‘cycling sub group’ was formed over a year ago and in that time we have; conducted local surveys, prepared photographic evidence and have formally proposed a complete cycle scheme paper (within a 7km area of Hinkley Point) to EDF. We have also hosted a ‘Bike Week Event’  in June 2012  in conjunction with our school (Otterhampton Primary).

If you feel that you can support this community work or would like further information, please contact Gary Perrett (652958).

The group meets bi-monthly at the Anchor Inn @ 7:45 pm.

The group has the following terms of reference…

The purpose of this group is to fully consider and promote a safe means of travelling within the community & local area using a variety of sustainable transport e.g. cycling, walking, equestrian & any potential traffic reduction methods.

It does this by…

  • Communicating with and holding any meetings necessary to understand the current proposals for sustainable transport within the locality, considering the implications with increased traffic from the major ‘Hinkley Point C’ & ‘Steart Flood Plain’ projects. Communications are likely to be conducted with; EDF energy, Bristol Port Authority (BPA), Environment Agency (EA), Sustrans, Somerset County Council, Highways Authority (HA), local parish councils and village residents.
  • Promoting, lobbying & persuading local authorities, agencies & businesses (as listed above) to affect and encourage the use of more sustainable means of transport and where applicable the building of new paths & cycle ways.
  • Conducting surveys within the local area that provide evidence for the enhancement & or building of new access routes and paths. These surveys may include; photographic evidence gathering, detail map & location planning, land measurement and report writing with appropriate recommendations.
  • Working to find a ‘possible’ safe access route for children & their parents via walking and/or cycling to Otterhampton Primary School. Liaise with the school, local council and particularly parents to assess and/or suggest potential opportunities.

Ponds Working Group

The Combwich Ponds and the footpaths around them were enjoyed by local residents for generations until access was arbitrarily denied in May 2008.

This group was set up take over responsibility for the campaign to have the footpaths reopened to the public (find out more here) and monitor inappropriate development on the site by the owners.

Affordable Housing Group

This group was set up because housing was identified as one of the priorities for action as a result of the Community Plan drop-in day.  A housing needs survey of all residents within the parish has been conducted and a limited need established.  Guided by the Affordable Housing Officer from Sedgemoor District Council the Parish Council will consider how to progress the issue at its October 2012 meeting.

Village Hall Group

Our village hall is run by the Trustees, who contribute to our Community Plan through their role of managing and enhancing our Village Hall.

Welcome to the website for Combwich, Otterhampton and Steart