Category Archives: Wild Flower Project

Bloomin’ marvellous

The wild flower meadow has made great progress this year and we have received many compliments. Next year will be even better.....these things take time. This week we have made a pathway through the flowers and anyone is welcome to take a stroll through and enjoy it. We respectfully ask that you do not stray from … Continue Reading ››

Wildflower Spectacle

Wildflower MeadowA lovely entrance to the village with the display of Red Campion, captured in this watercolour by local artist Tom Jacobs. Congratulations and thanks to the Wild Flower Project group who prepared and planted this wildflower meadow.


Your help needed

snow dropThe Wildflower Group will be meeting at 2pm Thursday 14th March at the entrance to Combwich to start planting 500 snowdrops. If you can spare an hour or two to help this important project we would be very pleased to see you Continue Reading ››