The Inside Out - West tv programme about Steart Marshes is scheduled to go out at 7.30pm BBC1 on Monday 22nd September. The team have been out several times and some of the footage will be of the aquatic planting days.
The software that runs the website has been getting well past it's "best before" date , and so it's been necessary to make a few changes. You can see the most obvious effect - it looks a different! Updating the software will mean that the website should work better with the range of devices … Continue Reading ››
Thanks to all those that were able to take part in the sweep through Steart Marshes last Sunday. We came across some interesting wildlife including roe deer, hare and field voles. It was a unique opportunity to see the reserve close up the banks were finally breached. Do take a look if you haven't seen … Continue Reading ››
HARBOUR VIEW SOCIAL CLUB are continuing their tour of the world of food and on Friday 12th September at 8pm stopping off in India. Come along and enjoy an Indian Curry, £3.50 per person, please book early at the bar to avoid disappointment.Bring some Nan Bread and Poppadoms if you like … Continue Reading ››
We have drawn 19 lucky numbers at the 100 Club draw this month with prize money of £242.50 shared between those lucky winners !!
Details of the winners can be found here .......... August 2014 Winners
For your chance to win a 100 Club cash prize contact Ann Leathwood on 652399 or any OPRA Committee member … Continue Reading ››
Come and join a new and exciting fitness class that incorporates Cardiovascular, Strengthening and Toning exercises.
Held weekly, beginning Tuesday 19th August - 9.30 to 10.30am at Otterhampton Village Hall in Combwich
Suitable for all ages and abilities, it's taught in a friendly manner by a qualified instructor and accredited member of The Register of Exercise Professionals.
Classes are run on … Continue Reading ››
Here we are again…………….the Village Market on SECOND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH, at Otterhampton Village Hall between 10am and 12 noon.Meet with friends, new and old, browse the stalls and enjoy refreshments in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.If you haven’t been before the market specialises in locally produced foods and crafts.We look forward to seeing … Continue Reading ››
Almost £200 of prize money has been distributed in the July 2014 draw !For details of the lucky winners click here ……..July 2014 WinnersDon’t miss out on the next draw, you could be one of the winners. To join the 100 … Continue Reading ››