All posts by admin


It’s that time of year again, dark nights, hopefully clear skies and the anticipation of the annual Firework Display. This year’s event will be held on Sunday 4th November. Come along and enjoy Burgers and Hotdogs available from 5:30pm. The lighting of the Beacon, by our very own Helen Rees, at 6pm followed by a dazzling firework display … Continue Reading ››

The Combwich Shwop

With UK industry in decline, unemployment on the rise, household incomes at their lowest level for years and properties being repossessed at a rate of one every 14 minutes, there’s little wonder the nation is getting thrifty! It was recently estimated that the average UK home has … Continue Reading ››

Forthcoming OPRA Events……. this space for details of the next OPRA Sunday Walk in October, the dazzling Firework Display on Sunday 4th November and not least of all the first of the regular winter OPRA Talks on Tuesday 20th November.

Village Hall News

The Village Hall is the focal point for leisure activities in the village and the committee have embarked on ambitious plans to modernise and upgrade the Village Hall. The objective is to improve the facilities for the existing thriving groups of users and to attract new groups and activities. Last year, a survey carried out by … Continue Reading ››