WWT Steart Marshes – main car park

A message from Tim McGrath (WWT Habitat Creation and Demonstration Site Project Manager)…

Just to let you know that from this afternoon the main car park on Stert Drove is now open. Over the weekend the first set of gates will remain unlocked permitting car access though the height barrier will remain secured in place. The car park entrance sign has now been unveiled, and by tonight the highway parking signs opposite the main car park and at the start of Stert Drove in Otterhampton will be readable. This opening is designed to be low key and will provide local visitors a chance to use the new parking facilities and explore the south eastern part of the reserve from this end of the site.

However we have decided to keep the toilet block shut until at least next week as there are still minor works to complete before it can be opened to the public.

Many thanks for your patience and ongoing support.
