Virtual Parish Council Meeting (Zoom) Agenda (limited) for 2.7.20


You are hereby notified that a ‘virtual’ meeting of the Parish Council will be held on

THURSDAY 2 JULY 2020at 7.00pm


Members are required to attend

The meeting is open to the press and public – please contact the Clerk (details below) for the Zoom meeting reference number and a password (essential) for access

  • Public Session (including Ward Councillor reports) 10 minutes maximum
  1. Apologies for absence
  2. To approve minutes of the meeting held on 5 March 2020
  3. To approve minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 21 March 2020
  4. To note annual accounts to 31.3.20 were approved via email on 14.5.20 (under the business continuity motion approved on 21.3.20)
  5. To approve the annual external audit to 31.3.20 (previously circulated)                                                                                                           Section 1 – Annual governance statement                                         Section 2 – Accounting statements
  6. Date and time of the next meeting – to be decided

Mrs A Prowse        Clerk to Parish Council

Date: 27 June 2020

Tel: 01278 652426