Regular users

Day of Week / User Group Time Further Details
Combwich Art Group 2 pm to 4 pm find out more…
Short Mat Bowls 7.30 pm to 10pm
Aerobics & Pilates 9:30 am to 11:35 am find out more…
Mixed Craft Group 10 am to 12 noon find out more…
Short Mat Bowls 7.30 to 10pm  
 Community Choir (2nd & 4th weeks) 7 pm to 8 pm find out more…
 Parish Council (1st week)  7:30 pm to 8 pm open session find out more…
 Combwich Coffee Club 10 am to 12 noon find out more…
 Village Market (2nd week) 10 am to 12 noon find out more…

Welcome to the website for Combwich, Otterhampton and Steart