
Combwich Community Choir

We are a light hearted group who sing for fun.  No experience or ability is required, just a love of singing.  Everyone is welcome!

We meet in the Village Hall on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month (except August) from 7 pm to 8 pm.  £3 per session, accompanied children £2.

For further information contact Nicole Wigley on 653431.

Combwich Crafters

Are you interested in hand and machine sewing?

Why not join our friendly Patchwork group in Otterhampton Village Hall on Wednesday mornings from 10am until 12 noon.

We have weekly demonstrations in various sewing and embellishment techniques with every one choosing their own project to work on plus a library. We enjoy coffee and a chat.

Fees are currently £36.50 for 10 weeks commencing 12th September 2012.

For further information please phone Sue Jacobs on 01278 652450.

Numbers are limited to 12 per class.  If there are sufficient numbers interested we may start a new evening class.

Combwich Art Group

The art group meets on Monday afternoons from 2 pm to 4 pm in Otterhampton Village Hall in Combwich.  We are a casual, friendly group who meet to draw or paint and have a chat about matters of art or otherwise.

We practise our skills on our own work and occasionally invite local artists in to tutor one-off sessions to broaden our horizons.  These may be demonstrations or workshops in a variety of media and styles.  We may also organise art-related outings from time to time, such as a visit to an Arts Weeks venue.

Anyone with a couple of hours to spare on Monday afternoons is welcome to join us.  Just pick up a pencil and come along – no special ability necessary!  We provide our own materials, but these can be as basic or varied as you like.

For more information please call…

  • Jean           01278 653136
  • Gill              01278 652748
  • Rachel       01278 652914

Welcome to the website for Combwich, Otterhampton and Steart